ALIVE SOFTWARE presents ... M A G I C C R A Y O N (tm) 1.................. INTRODUCTION 2.................. WARRANTY 3.................. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS 4.................. GAME OPERATION 5.................. SPECIAL NOTES FOR SHAREWARE VERSION 1. INTRODUCTION Welcome to Magic Crayon, featuring fun coloring book activities for children 3 to 8 years old. A creative and challenging experience for young children who like to explore and experiment with color and shapes. It encourages hands-on, active, artistic, exploration. Magic Crayon features: four sets of pictures, two levels of difficulty, icon-based interface, mouse support, Soundblaster music support and great graphics. Magic Crayon is distributed as Shareware: if you like the program and you wish to receive the latest version, the additional pictures, please use ORDER.TXT to order it. Feel free to pass this program around to friends and relatives, as long as all of the files are included in the distributed disk and are not altered in any way. If you are a vendor and plan to distribute this program, please read files LICENSE.TXT and VENDINFO.DIZ The Magic Crayon files, program, graphics, sounds and manuals on paper or on disk, are (C) copyright 1990-96 by Alive Software. All Rights Reserved. Programming, Graphics and Music by Bill Dedes. 2. WARRANTY THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS", NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND OPTIONS REQUIRES: * PC 386 compatible with 512K memory * Mouse * VGA or EGA graphics card OPTIONAL: Soundblaster/AdLib compatible, Laserjet & Dot-matrix printer. Page 1 of 4 4. GAME OPERATION To start the program run MC.EXE by simply typing MC GENERAL : The program will detect your display card. It will also sense if there is a mouse attached by checking for the mouse driver. Please make sure that a mouse driver is installed before running MC. All of the Magic Crayon files must be present at your current disk drive and directory. The object of Magic Crayon is to color in all the Yellow sections of the picture. You may pick any color you wish from the palette. :-------------: : NEW PICTURE : The "happy face" icon in the upper left corner selects :-------------: a new picture from the current library. :-------------: : UNDO : The "unhappy face" icon in the upper left corner undoes :-------------: your last coloring action. :-------------: : VIEW COLOR : The "eye" icon in the upper right corner, colors in the :-------------: picture on the screen. If you get stuck or bored with a picture, select this option to finish it off. :-------------: : HELP : The "Questionmark" icon shows brief description of the :-------------: game objective. :-------------: : INFO : "Crayon" icon, shows information about the program: :-------------: title, version and copyright notice. :-------------: : 1. : "Fish" icon selects Miscellaneous pictures for coloring :-------------: :-------------: : 2. : "Hat" icon selects pictures from the color alphabet and :-------------: number collection. Teaches simple words and numbers. :-------------: : 3. : "Camel" icon selects pictures from the color shading :-------------: picture collection. The object of this game is to color in the Yellow sections of the picture which make-up the hidden shape. :-------------: : 4. : "Owl" icon selects funny cartoon characters from the :-------------: color critter collection. :-------------: : MENU : The menu icon, lets you set personal preferences or :-------------: quit the program Page 2 of 4 1. SET LEVEL Easy level displays colored squares, which serve as --------- coloring guides for young children or beginners. 2. SOUND Turns on or off the sound effects or music. If you have ----- Adlib or Soundblaster compatible, select option number 3. 3. PRINT PICTURE Prints the black outline of the picture on a Dot- ------------- Matrix or Laserjet printer. This is great for hand coloring. 4. SHOW MAGIC DEMO Self-running demonstration of Magic Crayon. --------------- 5. QUIT Lets you to end the game. ---- TO START : Run MC.EXE by typing MC followed by . Then the theme song will start playing. You can either wait until the whole song is played or you can press a keyboard key or press a mouse button to stop the music before it finishes. Now you are ready to start. TO PLAY : For a quick start just click on the "happy face" icon, point and click on a color from the palette and start coloring in. When all of the Yellow sections are colored in, you will hear a new music song. MAGIC CRAYON GAME PHILOSOPHY Magic crayon combines the challenges and rewards of games with teaching basic visual principles. This approach works well because it is fun. Magic Crayon will help children explore and play with colors. It brings out the artistic qualities in them. There are 100 pictures to color again and again. The color shading collection teaches visual discrimination and visual perception . These skills are very important in geometry and geography. Magic Crayon is also a great introduction to using the mouse as a pointing device. Page 3 of 4 5. SPECIAL NOTES FOR SHAREWARE VERSION Here is a list of benefits you will get by ordering the complete Magic Crayon series. * YOU WILL GET THE LATEST ENHANCED version of Magic Crayon which includes: 100 pictures with subjects suitable for children to color again and again 1. More pictures of cartoons and animals 2. Kids Color-in and learn new words and numbers 3. Color shading to reveal hidden shapes 4. More Funny cartoon characters * When you order from Alive Software you will also get more FREE Shareware, our catalog, newsletter, new product announcements and low cost updates. * Registered users Get TECHNICAL support through phone, mail, fax or Email. For more information run program ALIVECAT.EXE, our catalog containing detailed descriptions of our programs. For Contact or ordering information, print or list and fill ORDER.TXT, and mail, fax, Email or phone your order today. Page 4 of 4